Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Centenário do Serviço Nacional de Parques Estados Unidos

National Parks Centennial 

Durante o nosso período de férias, houve uma celebração importante que gostaríamos de realçar. Eis então o nosso tributo.

Foi no dia 25 Agosto que Google celebrou com um Doodle interactivo, em formato vídeo, os Parques e Monumentos no Dia Nacional dos Parques dos Estados Unidos.

Celebrou ao mesmo tempo o National Parks Service centennialO projecto criado em 1916,  reserva mais de 84 milhões de acres de terras protegidas para que todos possam explorar e desfrutar.

Fundado em 1916 pelo Presidente Woodrow Wilson, o National Park Service foi criado para gerir e expandir as belezas naturais norte-americanas e torná-las acessíveis a todos: cidadãos norte-americanos ou turistas. 
Até então, apenas Yellowstone, as Montanhas Rochosas e o Grand Canyon eram considerados parques nacionais e monumentos.

Credits: National Geographic
A revista norte-americana National Geographic juntou-se a este evento com o projecto The Power of Parks, uma homenagem a locais como Yellowstone, Grand Canyon ou Yosemite.
Power of Parks é uma série de edições e conteúdos jornalísticos que vão “explorar os parques magníficos” de todo o mundo e os desafios que a humanidade tem ao preservá-los.

Grand Lake, Colorado | Rocky Mountain National Park
credits: Charles Yates 
Google convida-nos a visitar Google The Hidden Worlds of the National Parksnão importa o país do mundo de onde o visitamos. É um website fabuloso que não podemos perder.
"Siga os guardas do parque em uma viagem de lugares onde a maioria das pessoas nunca foram, e experiencie as paiasagens, sons e aventuras em impressionante 360˚. "
Tudo isto deve ser admirado e acompanhado por estudantes norte-americanos e estudantes de todo o mundo.

credits: Andersen Design Group

Since our school break, there was a great event that we can't miss. The Day of National Parks of the U.S. So, here our tribute on this post.

Doodle (watch the video above, Portuguese 1st part of the post) celebrated the parks and monuments of the U.S. National Parks on the occasion of the National Parks Service centennial, 25 August 2016

Designated in 1916, the National Parks Service has set aside over 84 million acres of protected land for everyone to explore and enjoy. 

Shelton Johnson, Park Ranger at Yosemite National Park and published author, shares his thoughts on this important milestone with us:

“There are national parks older than Yellowstone, or Yosemite, but it was in Yosemite Valley where the national park idea was first lit. It was Yellowstone that fanned that spark to a flame illuminating a world that was old, but seen anew!

No longer were rivers a force to be dammed, virgin forests a source for board-feet, or mountainsides blasted for gemstones or coal. A wild river was as alive as the fish within it. A forest became a network of plants bound to rock, soil, and sky.

River Raisin National Battlefield Park

Now there are national parks in over 150 nations. The idea of parks has the power to transcend culture, a currency whose value speaks of something profoundly human.

Jasper, Guilin, Serengeti, Sagarmatha, Fiordland, Torres del Paine, Kakadu, and Grand Canyon, are now just local names, out of tens of thousands, for planet Earth.”

Ouzel Fall RMNP
credits: Hogs555

Google Arts & Culture:

We can get a taste of the American wilderness no matter where we are, visiting Google Arts & Culture The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks. It's wonderful! Don't miss it.

Follow park rangers on a journey to places most people never go and experience the sights, sounds, and adventures in stunning 360˚. "

The coolest thing about the national parks is that they exist for everyone. Whether you’re a hiker, climber, camper, or “glam” per – whether you travel by bicycle, foot, or chair – there’s a park for you. I hope this Doodle inspires everyone to enjoy the outdoors, which I think is one of the best things about America.

doodler Sophie Diao

National Park Service Centennial

"The centennial kicks off a second century of stewardship of America's national parks and engaging communities through recreation, conservation, and historic preservation programs.

All year - and beyond! - we invite you to find your park and discover the national parks and programs in your own back yard!"
Para todos um bom ano lectivo! For all a great school year! 

Geração 'green' 


Creative Commons License

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